onsdag 17 december 2014

Love is all there is. For real.

I am neither scientist nor professor, neither expert in chemistry nor in physics.  But I still have information important to share. Who am I? I am an angel visiting earth by being human. Form is necessary to reach out to you in this reality. I have been blessed with the ability to tune in and receive the love and light coming as loving information to Mankind, my job simply is to write it down. Well, simply, isn’t exactly the right word. English isn´t even my own language. Swedish is. When the idea to write in a foreign language came like a soft whisper, entering my mind, I knew I still had to give it a go. So please, be kind in your language control and have this in mind when reading. I can only do my absolute best effort. And even if I don´t know the English language´s inner secrets the way I do when it comes to Swedish, I trust I will be given the help needed to give the information justice. I hope you will be forgiving if the words I use sometimes are both simple and maybe at some level repeating.

In one sense I am an ordinary person. But I have to tell you, no one really is ordinary. Everyone is unique. Everyone is important. Everyone plays their special part in this gigantic puzzle called life. All of us are connected, depending on and affected by each other. We originate from unity, united forever, now experiencing life as individuals, as free willed divine souls having human experiences. We came out of the nothing; a still vessel of love, carrying all possibilities for life.

When this still supreme loving consciousness sent its first thought, or light, life began.  This life is that light still on its journey. An adventure where the supreme and divine consciousness still is moving on, experiencing everything through us, its beloved parts. This journey is evolution, consciousness flying outwards experiencing all possibilities. We are all individuals, reflections and rays of The Supreme Mind in the middle of experience. The Supreme Mind is made out of love. Love is all there is.

Out of love, we are here to continue radiating love and light experiencing everything! We are life, created and creators at the same time.  We are here to give time form. Form and body is simply The Supreme consciousness´ brilliant journey when slowing down light. Form gives soul light the possibility to experience itself and life in 3D. Mind is soul light moving faster. Mind is infinite due to its connection to the supreme mind. Our minds are a portal to the great consciousness that we belong to. Everything is made out of light, everything is moving in universe and we are here together in this movement, now being able to reconnect to the love and light we originate from. We can choose to sustain life in the choices we make. We can choose to connect to our soul light. We can be the conscious creators we truly are. We are life and love. Life is a gift to explore who you are and life is experiencing the love of the supreme mind, often referred to as God. Love is all there is. For real.

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