onsdag 12 november 2014

Why wake up and become conscious and aware?

I have woken up - and I still do. I am becoming more aware, making progress, expanding and developing as a human, as an angel and as a multidimensional being that exists on so many levels. And when I do the journey into loving myself and others unconditionally I radiate even more light. That is one of the most important things with us earth angels being here. When we are aware we take in more light and can share more of our energy in a positive way, and we can be of bigger assistance in the transformation of humankind and our beautiful planet.

As we are all connected, everyone is being helped when you start helping yourself. It´s magic!

We are also being parts of the earth so when we develop higher frequencies in our bodies she, Mother Earth herself, gets affected and changes her vibrations. And she is, in her turn, connected to every universe there is and ever was, all dimensions there are and ever were, affecting them all into higher frequencies. And so love grows in All there is due to the growth of our ability to individually love unconditionally.

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